Press Release - Enhancing European Digital Sovereignity: Launch of CISERO Project to Support IPCEI-CIS Initiative


Brussels, 13.09.2024 – In a concerted effort to strengthen Europe's digital infrastructure and sovereignty, the European Union has prioritised the development of leading-edge technological foundations for data storage, processing, and sharing. This commitment is articulated in key strategies such as the European Data Strategy, the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility, the EU Digital Decade policy programme and the Member States' Joint Declaration on Building the Next Generation Cloud in Europe. These efforts aim to ensure that the European economy, enterprises, and public authorities can benefit from cutting-edge digital technologies that are secure, interoperable, and energy-efficient.

The Important Project of Common European Interest on Next Generation Cloud Infrastructure and Services (IPCEI-CIS) is a pivotal component of this strategic vision. IPCEI-CIS aims to foster the development of scalable, federated, and trustworthy cloud and edge infrastructures across the EU. By leveraging initiatives like GAIA-X, IPCEI-CIS will equip Europe with advanced cloud capabilities, ensuring that data can be processed securely and efficiently in real-time from anywhere in the EU. This initiative enhances digital sovereignty and supports the EU’s goals for sustainability, economic competitiveness, and technological innovation.

To maximise the impact and adoption of the IPCEI-CIS initiative, the CISERO project has been launched today as a dedicated coordination and support framework. CISERO will play a vital role in facilitating the widespread implementation of IPCEI-CIS solutions by providing essential services, including a technical secretariat, helpdesk, and business ecosystem development support. By fostering collaboration among member states, industry partners, and research organisations, CISERO will ensure that Europe’s cloud and edge computing capabilities remain at the forefront of global technological advancements, securing a vibrant and competitive digital market across the continent.

In a nutshell, CISERO’s Project main objectives include:

  • Facilitate the adoption and exploitation of IPCEI-CIS results.

  • Enhance collaboration among EU member states, companies, and research organisations.

  • Develop a sustainable roadmap for cloud and edge computing infrastructure.

  • Support the creation of secure, interoperable, and energy-efficient digital solutions.

  • Promote digital sovereignty and economic competitiveness within the EU.

  • Establish a unified support structure for IPCEI-CIS.

  • Foster a strong community of practice and network of ambassadors to advocate for IPCEI-CIS outcomes.

To drive the long-term success and economic viability of the advanced cloud-to-edge solutions developed under the Important Project of Common European Interest on Next Generation Cloud Infrastructure and Services (IPCEI-CIS), we are starting CISERO. Our focus will be on transforming innovative solutions into operational standards that foster European digital sovereignty, ensuring that the solutions we implement today become the pillars of a competitive, secure, and sustainable European cloud and data ecosystem tomorrow. With CISERO, we aim to maximise the impact, scalability, and commercial potential of these cutting-edge technologies.

Matthias Kuom, CISERO Coordinator, DLR Projektträger 



CISERO, a 36-month Digital Europe Coordination and Support Action (CSA) project, will support the IPCEI-CIS initiative through targeted actions. Powered by a strong consortium, DLR-PT (Coordinator), Innovalia, INRIA, IDC, Institut Mines-Télécom, OpenNebula Systems, Trust-IT Services, COMMpla, University of Piraeus, VDI TZ, it aims to continuously monitor and process the results of the IPCEI-CIS by using SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound) objectives and metrics related KPIs. The project is funded by the EU Commission under Digital Europe Programme (Grant Agremment n. 101167881).


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