Empowering IPCEI-CIS through CISERO

26 March 2025 13:00–18:00
Gdańsk, Poland

Empowering IPCEI-CIS through Cisero - banner with graphics


Important members of the IPCEI-CIS community will convene in Gdańsk, Poland, on March 26th, 2025, for an exclusive event to align strategies, shape a long-term roadmap, and strengthen collaboration within the IPCEI-CIS ecosystem.

Register Here

As a key coordination and support initiative, CISERO plays a crucial role in ensuring the long-term deployment and exploitation of IPCEI-CIS results. The session will aim to engage the IPCEI CIS projects and community and increase their awareness of CISERO’s support services. Through interactive discussions, participants will engage in defining priorities and identifying synergies that will drive future collaboration. 

One of the main activities of the CISERO project is to develop a medium long-term roadmap for IPCEI-CIS, including both technical and non-technical aspects that are aligned with major roadmapping in the area of cloud-edge infrastructure and services. ​The roadmap will include several technical and non-technical building blocks aligned with IPCEI work streams such as cloud-edge continuum infrastructure and capabilities, advanced smart data processing, hardware for edge nodes, AI/GenAI for cloud-edge, OSS and standards, skills, sovereignty, etc. CISERO roadmap will provide insights about the demand side of the market aligned with key technology areas and opportunities to address by the IPCEI-CIS project.


The aim of the roadmap session on 26th March will be to establish the initial dialogue with some IPCEI-CIS stakeholders to present them with the main building blocks and technology areas of the CISERO roadmap, collect their feedback and ensure the alignment with the key technological direction of IPCEI-CIS projects. Such alignment will ensure that the analysis will be aligned with the needs of IPCEI-CIS, and accordingly, an interaction mechanism can be discussed to facilitate the information gathering, which will help the gap analysis for the roadmap.

CISERO also seeks to contribute to IPCEI-CIS by building a multi-layered, sustainable, and inclusive community that aligns diverse stakeholder interests with key added value matchmaking opportunities, skill-building activities and networks to foster collaboration with the associations, projects, entities and alliances at the forefront of the European and international cloud and edge landscape, while encouraging engagement across public and private sectors.

The aim of the ecosystem-building session on 26th March is to establish the initial dialogue with some IPCEI-CIS stakeholders, presenting them with the main external stakeholders of interest identified in the CISERO ecosystem, collect their feedback, and ensure the alignment with the key prioritisation direction of IPCEI-CIS projects. Such alignment will ensure that the CISERO ecosystem will be aligned with the needs of IPCEI-CIS regarding the most interesting initiatives, projects and associations in order to: (a) share the IPCEI-CIS solution & knowledge catalogue; (b) build with the OSS Developer community; (c) engage with IPCEI-CIS best practices and lessons learned; (d) scale through connection with EDIHs and SMEs; (e) Influence by connecting IPCEI-CIS with transnational EDIC Projects & lighthouse Data Space deployment ecosystems; (f) Up-skill by developing a strategy for capacity building, and (g) Innovate by connecting with EU CEI Continuum innovation projects. 


The CISERO project plays a crucial role in ensuring the wide-scale adoption and exploitation of the technologies developed under IPCEI-CIS. CISERO will provide essential coordination services and facilitate collaboration among member states, companies, research organisations, and public authorities. We encourage stakeholders of IPCEI-CIS projects to join this workshop to:

  • Learn about CISERO project, its activities, and the support it can provide to IPCEI-CIS

  • Gain insights into the market dynamics and analysis that may impact the exploitation of IPCEI-CIS results

  • Get insights into the structure of CISERO roadmap and main strategic topics that will be addressed within it

  • Provide feedback and suggestions on potential dimensions and topics relevant to IPCEI-CIS to be included in the roadmap 

The workshop will take place in an interactive format to ensure the effective engagement of participants and the collection of their feedback and input. In particular, tools such as Slido will be utilised to manage the interaction. 

Register Here




12.30- 13.00

Registration & Welcome coffee / light lunch


Welcome & Introduction 

Kick-off and setting the stage for today's discussions 

  • Speaker TBD


CISERO's Value for IPCEI-CIS community

  • Speaker: Matthias Kuom, DLR, CISERO Coordinator


Navigating the Future: IPCEI-CIS CISERO WP2 Roadmap

  • An in-depth look at CISERO roadmap structure and topics in relation with IPCEI-CIS projects

Moderator: Golboo Pourabdollahian, Leonardo Freitas, IDC 

  • Q&A discussion 

    • Feedback on Roadmap topics

    • Brainstorm on interaction mechanism and collaboration


Coffee Break & Networking


Building a Stronger IPCEI-CIS Community: WP4 Ecosystem & Collaboration

  • Explore WP4’s strategies for fostering a robust ecosystem and community within IPCEI-CIS 

Moderator: Katia Lavín, INNOVALIA 

  • Q&A discussion 

30 min


PANEL Discussion 


  • TBD


Closing Remarks